1 Jan 2012

Decorate, celebrate, make and eat

The Making Winter Project has been an absolute joy over the festive season. It's been an unexpectedly tricky few weeks here so the images, blogposts, comments and contributions from all who have taken part have been absolutely invaluable. Thankyou so much. I have collated some images together from the Flickr pool to give a feel for just how uplifting everyone's creativity can be en masse.

The mosaic above is called simply Make,

1. Little Cotton Rabbits  2. The List Writer 3. Green Rabbit Designs 4. Farfromharmfarm
5. Thriftyhousehold  6. Andamento 7. Saidos da Concha 8. Scented Sweetpeas
9. Farfromharmfarm 10. Little Cotton Rabbits 11. Scented Sweetpeas 12. Spruce St

This one is called Decorate and Celebrate:

1. Quince Tree 2. Me 3. Andamento 4. During Quiet Time
5.During Quiet Time 6. Itchin Stitchin 7. Lina 8. The List Writer
9. The Knobby Knitter 10. During Quiet Time 11. Saidos de Concha 12. The List Writer
13.Yellowhouse 72 14.Scented Sweetpeas 15. Lola Nova 16. Het Bovenhuis

....and finally, Eat

1. Lola Nova 2. Yellowhouse 72 3. The Quince Tree 4. Thrifty Household
5. Saidos da Concha 6. Saidos da Concha 7. VinGar 8. Lina
9. Thrifty Household 10. Green Tea Comfort 11. The Quince Tree 12. During Quiet Time

I think they're wonderful and they cover many of the hygge themes that Sue described and that Making Winter embraces wholeheartedly. To see even more gorgeous images the December 2011 Making WInter blog hop is here.

Some images cannot be used in mosaics because of privacy settings but contributions from Mrs Micawber  Peeriemoot, Planet PennyDriftwood (especailly her wonderful pinecone biscuits), The Fluff Pot and Paula's Homemade Life are just gorgeous.

The Flickr pool also holds tasters of some New Year themes, fresh starts and hints of a new season. I do like this time of year - it always has a feeling of possibilities and new starts.

1. Saidos da Concha 2. Saidos da Concha 3. Thrifty Household

The January Making Winter week will begin on Monday 23rd  January. This month can sometimes be a tough one so the focus will be on comfort, cosiness and things that can cheer a grey winter's day. We may even factor in some cold and 'flu remedies, just in case. Mrs Thriftyhousehold and I do hope you might join in. I can vouch for it being a very good thing to do.

Happy New Year x