24 May 2012

In the last four years


...discovered a truly fabulous and talented group of fellow crafters (notebook with vintage linens by Val, quilt by Thriftyhousehold)

...found a place where it's OK to do handmade show and tell

...had a baby, who will be going to school very soon (yikes)

...learnt to use silver clay - and then to enamel it

...grown passionate about photography

...realised that having a jumbly, self seeded, messy-ish garden is a good thing

...swapped workspaces with the Mr

...had a tutorial published...but mostly had a massive amount of FUN.

It's been busy - and wonderful, but the very best thing about blogging is the support, encouragement and particularly the friendship to be found both online and in real life. It's spurred me on, it's quashed self doubt, it's made me laugh, it's provided a window to the outside world on the toughest of days when my little ones were tiny and it's given me confidence I didn't have before. It made me realise that leaving my previous scientific job was a good thing to have done after all. I wanted to find a a way to say thankyou. I thought of an etsy shop discount - not quite right. I had an urge to send a thankyou parcel to every reader - not possible. Instead I made a necklace for each of the four years I've been blogging. They're in the second photo down. The seasidey one has a little silver pebble. The button-ish one has a little silver button. I'll be giving them away in the traditional way (just tell me which one you prefer). Starting a blog is one of the best things I've done. Thankyou so much xxx

(oh and HUGE thanks for all the cake, both real and virtual) x

Many thanks for all the lovely comments. Giveaway now closed.