Many bloggers have eschewed resolutions this year. I know that my own New Year's good intentions have often been forgotten or set aside by the time Spring arrives. Despite this I do have a few things I resolve to do more of in 2012:
Make time to bake. Once a week would be good.
Stop worrying about dust in the corners and have friends round to eat more often.
Make my own granola. The very word evokes jokes about macrame potholders, flares and lentils for me but it's a good, tasty breakfast.*
Take up a new craft. The jewellery-making used to be my main source of relaxation. Now that it has started to become more of a day job I need an alternative. Willow weaving is top option at the moment.**
Take daily walks round the village and in our wood. They are such good places to be and I often forget that. All these images came from a half hour walk this afternoon within half a mile of our cottage.
This bench is my favourite spot in the wood. Here there are dogroses, hawthorn (blossom and berries) and a walnut tree.
Sometimes the girls and the Mr come with me to the bench and we have a mini picnic. Fairy houses are built out of sticks (above is the remains of one built in October). We will be coming here more often.
A kingfisher lives here. I didn't see him/her today.
*Any good recipe links gratefully received.
** Perhaps I can weave my own granola.