5 Aug 2012

Visiting the hut

Cambridge Open Studios 2012 has come to an end. For two weekends I opened the beach hut and garden for the public to visit. Sitting up there in my little wooden shed, making jewellery whilst people drift up the lawn, sometimes pausing to look at the jumble of flowers and then popping in for a chat is one of the highlights of my year. Sometimes groups of people who had never met would stop and talk for a while, shelter from the rain or, in the case of Celia and Val bring portable projects with them and stay for hours, laughing and making. It was bliss.

Here are some of the highlights in pictures:

The first weekend that the studio was open was cold and wet. Slippers were needed.

Lucy's beautiful bag had several visitors of its own!

Despite the unseasonal weather I made some summery designs.

Two of my smaller visitors.

The making area...

...and the waiting area.

Finally, after we had closed at 6, monkey set up her own little millinery studio.

Huge thanks to everyone who visited. It was wonderful.