22 Dec 2013
Nature's decorations
There has been very little frost in recent weeks.
This has meant that the trees and hedgerows are still laden with fruit, berries and seeds.
They haven't yet been softened and bletted by ice crystals,
and there's still plenty left for birds when things get colder.
Another benefit of this is that it seems as though the hedgerows are covered in hundreds of tiny colourful baubles.
The light was beautiful this afternoon - I ventured out with my camera during the so-called golden hour. Everything seemed to glow.
Far prettier than any tinsel.
Note: thankyou SO much for coming along to or helping to spread the word about Made and Found. It was a truly wonderful day. You can read Celia's post about it here.
There are no berries in this photograph but I do love this jackdaw.
Trees/plants in these photographs: cotoneaster, apple, privet, old man's beard (wild clematis), snowberry, rosehip, ivy, malus (?).
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