23 Feb 2012

One foot in Winter, one foot in Spring

Just days ago winter definitely had us in its grip. There was snow and freezing temperatures. Yet today there is a mildness to the weather. There is sunshine and bees. We're on the cusp of Spring.

Despite the hopeful change in the season things have not been so easy for us here. It's been a week when normally I would not have posted. I like to keep my blog uplifting if I can but I'm co-hosting Making Winter Week and sometimes it helps to write things down.

To help ourselves through this tough time we've been cosying up, eating simple comfort foods and I got out my long-neglected watercolours. Eldest and I painted together. The activities we are finding reassuring are the same as those that help in the depths of winter. We've been very grateful for our fire and cosy quilts in recent days.

This morning things were getting a little easier and I drove to the next village to photograph the pussy willow (and unexpectedly captured a kestrel I didn't even know was flying overhead). In just over three months a good friend will be coming from far away to stay right here. It's a lovely thought.

On my way home I stopped to photograph some wintry knapweed seedheads and realised there was a lark singing.

Sometimes being outdoors can be better than chocolate.

Edited to add: Today's taste of Spring has coincided with things getting a good deal better for us all. I'm off to celebrate with a play on the swings with the little ones.

If you'd like to share what you've been up to this week, another good friend is hosting here.